Grab some food and drink… this may take awhile.

So…. some time ago (I can’t remember when it was exactly), I went to Ulm with one of the International Student organizations here. We spent all of Saturday in Ulm, and then all of Sunday in Blaubeuren, which is just outside Ulm. We climbed the Ulmer Muenster, which has the highest tower of all Christian…

Why hello everyone! Remember me?

In this post: Reutlingen Night out with Kelly and Qi Schloss Lichtenstein The long overdue craft update. This may be picture heavy. So, on Thursday, Mary Brooke and I took a day trip to Reutlingen. The church was really the only pretty thing we saw. With the exception of the most amazing yarn store EVER….


I have arrived in Germany and have also learned that I won’t have stable internet for at least a week or so. So until then, I’ll be updating from various internet cafes. Which unfortunately means no pictures. 😦 I really like the town so far. It’s small, but there’s lots of really awesome shops and…