Grab some food and drink… this may take awhile.

So…. some time ago (I can’t remember when it was exactly), I went to Ulm with one of the International Student organizations here. We spent all of Saturday in Ulm, and then all of Sunday in Blaubeuren, which is just outside Ulm. We climbed the Ulmer Muenster, which has the highest tower of all Christian…

Why hello everyone! Remember me?

In this post: Reutlingen Night out with Kelly and Qi Schloss Lichtenstein The long overdue craft update. This may be picture heavy. So, on Thursday, Mary Brooke and I took a day trip to Reutlingen. The church was really the only pretty thing we saw. With the exception of the most amazing yarn store EVER….

Doener + FOs

That’s right, today was Doener Donnerstag! 🙂 Mary Brooke and I decided to go to Aksaray Imbiss 3 today. 🙂 Very very very yummy! 🙂 I still don’t have pictures of town, but we are planning to go in sometime soon just to take pictures and be touristy. 🙂 Tomorrow morning I leave for the…

Picture-less Update

Hey everyone! I don’t have any pictures of the town yet, because we’ve really just been walking around and trying to take it all in… one of these days I’ll actually go out and take pictures. It snowed the day I got here, but other than that we’ve been pretty lucky. It’s cold in the…

Finished Things!

I finished my Dublin Bay Socks! And Lizz’s hat! That’s all for now! 🙂

Super Duper Craft Update

Sooooo, I haven’t been on here for awhile, but I sure have been busy! First, let’s starts with what I’ve finished. First, Corey’s alpaca socks are finished! I finished them about two weekends ago, but haven’t had pictures. But now I do. 🙂 Other finished objects include my first Cookie a pattern! I say first,…